Altri titoli: ESPANYA AL DIA
Genere: Newsreel
Anno: 1938
Descrizione: ESPANYA AL DIA [SPAIN TODAY], Laya Films newsreel produced during the Spanish Civil War made up of the following news reports: 1. BENEFICÈNCIA. ELS AMICS ANGLESOS Images of children collecting milk provided through British aid fund, Mrs Parks. The children are seen going into the social canteen, picking up their milk ration and drinking it. A sign indicates 'Municipal Canteen no. 1 Foreign colonies hospital maintained by The London General Relief Fund for Distressed Women and Children'. 2. HOSPITALS MILITARS. ESBARJO DELS FERITS Images of a porron drinking contest for patients convalescing from war wounds in a hospital. Patients are shown forming a circle and circulating the porron and measuring how high each can raise the porron to drink. The winner receives a cigarette. The narrator points out how difficult it is to drink out of a porron for the unaccustomed. 3. JUSTICIA (sic) DE LA REPUBLICA (sic). TRIBUNAL TUTELAR DE MENORS Images of children working in a wheat field. Showing the ears of wheat, how they are harvested with the harvesting machine drawn by two horses, and gathering the wheat into sheaves which are then loaded into a cart. The narrator highlights the value of work as a means of rehabilitation. 4. GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA. EL 2n MENJADOR INFANTIL Images of economy minister opening a children's canteen set up in the Bailèn cinema. The narrator notes that the initiative has been funded by the coast guard body. The dignitaries are seen arriving in an official car while the people on the streets cheer. Images show shots inside the dining hall, featuring the sign 'Restaurant sponsored by the Coast Guard Institute. C.O.I. bases.' Close-ups of the dignitaries going inside and then more shots of them presiding over the event from a stage, on which the Catalan Senyera flag and the Tricolor have been hung, while a band plays. Images of the crowd and the officials making the raised fist salute. 5. HAN PASSAT ELS BÁRBARS (sic) Images of rubble, trenches with soldiers and military columns in a deserted town. The narrator points out that the ruins are the result of the bombings by National aircraft on towns in the rearguard. It also explains how the people were forced to take refuge in caves around their villages. Images of makeshift shelters built in the mountain for the civilian population. 6. TXECOSLOVAQUIA (sic). ACCIDENT D'AVIACIÓ Images of the crowd looking at the site of a plane crash in Prague. Showing the wreckage of the plane and close-ups of onlookers. The narrator notes that the accident was the result of engine failure and that the pilot was able to parachute, unharmed, to safety. 7. TXECOSLOVAQUIA (sic). LA REUNIO (sic) ANUAL DELS "SOKOLS" Images of gymnastic exercises carried out by the Sokols group at the Prague Stadium to commemorate its tenth anniversary. It shows a panoramic shot of the routines performed at the stadium while the applause of the crowd can be heard.
Parole chiave: menjadors infantils; hospitals militars; porrons; rehabilitació de menors; adolescents; sega; alimentació infantil; infants; bombardejos aeris; runes; accidents aeris; gimnàstica esportiva; coreografia; Guerra Civil Espanyola : 17/07/1936; 00/07/1938 / Barcelona (ciutat); Cinema Bailèn; Txecoslovàquia; Praga / Spanish Civil War documentary; Laya Films. Original newsreels; Propaganda film; charity; children's canteens; military hospitals; porrons; rehabilitation of minors; teenagers; sega; baby food; children; aerial bombings; rubble; aviation accidents; gymnast
Fonte esterna: Filmoteca de Catalunya
Diritti: In Copyright / Generalitat de Catalunya
Casa di produzione: Laya Films
Colori: Black & White
Sound: With sound
Tipo documento:
Collezione: Laya Films
Language: ca